47105 Test Run - 15th December

47105 was taken out on a successful test run on 15th December. 

Prior to the test run the last time 47105 hauled a load was on 28th July 2011. It was stopped shortly after to undergo a bogie swap with a spare bogie before a decision to undertake a full overhaul was made in 2012.

 47105 worked from Toddington to Cheltenham, then a trip to Winchcombe and back to the Racecourse before running back to Toddington with 45149 and 47376 as its load. The loco had power progressively increased on each leg before full power was applied on the last trip back to Toddington. The loco performed faultlessly, which is a testament to our Chief Engineer Tim Leverton who oversaw the whole project. Under his guidance a small group of BT4F volunteers have thoroughly overhauled the locomotive, its first such repair since 1984.

The spare bogie that was fitted in 2011 last saw service under 47774 in March 2002, so today was the first opportunity to put a good electrical load through the traction motors. 2020 has been a difficult year, and if not for Covid ‘105 would have been repainted during Spring and no doubt worked passenger services already. That will have to wait until 2021 now, but today was a major milestone. Next year also marks 30 years since the inauguration of the Brush Type 4 Fund, so there’s lots to look forward to!